Wagner Advanced Enneagram Certification
Topics For The Advanced 4-day Enneagram Training
More in-depth exploration of the wings and what it looks like when we identify with the high side or low side of our neighbors. More on the paradigm shifts that take place when we are under stressful and relaxed conditions (the Arrows). Further in-depth discussion of the Subtypes of each style. Additional work with Polarities with exercises for integrating our shadow elements into our sense of self. How to relabel, reown, and reintegrate our polarities. More information and practice for administering and interpreting the WEPSS and suggestions for conducting a typing interview. Additional work with Adaptive and Maladaptive Schemas. Looking at how each style maintains their maladaptive schemas, with exercises for letting go of our distorted views and employing some more useful views. How to make our psychic lenses clearer and less distorting. Communication styles of each type. How each type likes to communicate and how they prefer to be communicated with. More consideration of look-Alike types and how to tell them apart. Nine ways of doing business: working with our inner and outer Team with additional powerpoint slides. Opportunities for Small group sharing with same types and different types, Input, and Panel interviews.About The Presenter: Dr. Jerome Wagner
Wagner Advanced Enneagram Certification
Expanded over 4 days, the Wagner Advanced Enneagram Training will include further useful information about Wings, Arrows, Subtypes, and Polarities; more interpretive work with the WEPSS (Wagner Enneagram Personality Style Scales) and Adaptive and Maladaptive Schemas; and additional discussion about Communication styles, (look)-Alike types, and Teams (both inner and outer).
The format will involve Small group sharing, Input, and Panel interviews.
Topics For The Advanced 4-day Enneagram Training
- More in-depth exploration of the wings and what it looks like when we identify with the high side or low side of our neighbors.
- More on the paradigm shifts that take place when we are under stressful and relaxed conditions (the Arrows).
- Further in-depth discussion of the Subtypes of each style.
- Additional work with Polarities with exercises for integrating our shadow elements into our sense of self. How to relabel, reown, and reintegrate our polarities.
- More information and practice for administering and interpreting the WEPSS and suggestions for conducting a typing interview.
- Additional work with Adaptive and Maladaptive Schemas. Looking at how each style maintains their maladaptive schemas, with exercises for letting go of our
- distorted views and employing some more useful views. How to make our psychic lenses clearer and less distorting.
- Communication styles of each type. How each type likes to communicate and how they prefer to be communicated with.
- More consideration of look-Alike types and how to tell them apart.
- Nine ways of doing business: working with our inner and outer Team with additional powerpoint slides.
- Opportunities for Small group sharing with same types and different types, Input, and Panel interviews.
About The Presenter: Dr. Jerome Wagner
Dr. Jerome Wagner
Department of Psychology at Loyola University, Chicago
Ph.D. is a clinical psychologist, psychotherapist, supervisor, and consultant in private practice
Nine Lenses On The World: The Enneagram Perspective and The Enneagram Spectrum of Personality Styles: An Introductory Guide
first written descriptions of the Enneagram, speaker at IEA conference
Dr. Jerome Wagner, Ph.D. is a clinical psychologist, psychotherapist, supervisor, and consultant in private practice. He is a faculty member in the Department of Psychology at Loyola University, Chicago.
Among the earliest students of the Enneagram in the United States, Dr. Wagner’s dissertation was one of the first written descriptions of the Enneagram and pioneered formal research studies on the Enneagram. Part of his study involved constructing an Enneagram inventory. The current version and Manual of his highly researched and statistically validated Wagner Enneagram Personality Style Scales (WEPPS) can be taken online at www.WEPSS.com and is available in hard copy from Western Psychological Services (www.wpspublish.com; 800-648-8857). The WEPSS is the only Enneagram inventory reviewed in Buros’s Mental Measurements Yearbook (15th Edition).
Dr. Wagner is the author of Nine Lenses On The World: The Enneagram Perspective and The Enneagram Spectrum of Personality Styles: An Introductory Guide. Both are available through Amazon.com and BarnesandNoble.com. He has also produced a 6-Tape Audiocassette: Two Windows On The Self: The Enneagram And Myers-Briggs.
Dr. Wagner has been researching and teaching the Enneagram since 1980 and began the Enneagram Spectrum Training and Certification Program in 1995. He has presented Enneagram workshops for business consultants and coaches, human resource directors, counselors, therapists, spiritual directors, educators, and personal growth audiences throughout the United States and in Canada, England, Australia, Hong Kong, and Singapore.
Dr. Wagner has been an invited speaker at all of the International Enneagram Association (IEA) Conferences, was on the Board of Directors of the IEA, has been the editor of the Association’s NinePoints Bulletin, and is currently co-editor of The Enneagram Journal. He has published numerous articles in these journals as well as the Enneagram Monthly. For his early and continuing contributions to the Enneagram community, Jerry was honoured by being named a Founder of the International Enneagram Association, was the keynote speaker for the 2010 IEA Conference and for the IEA China 2013 Conference.